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Baseline Protocol Version v0.1 Now Available!

The release of Baseline Protocol v0.1 represents a significant milestone, because it provides a set of standard interfaces for developers to implement solutions easily and for vendors to provide their own modules that comply with the specification. Official OASIS standards development based on the v0.1 reference implementation will commence in September. Special thanks to engineers at Provide and EY for an extaordinary level of contribution and to the Baseline Protocol Maintainers that supported the work.

Here are some videos that walk through the architecture and the code of the v0.1 release:
Workgroups and Messaging: https://youtu.be/ZgaAcQvoD_8
APIs: https://youtu.be/lsZQwiE2glA
Privacy: https://youtu.be/l3BDBNMnR_Q and https://youtu.be/0vXoSb5bVks
Reference Implementation BRI-1: https://youtu.be/2WXvTHR4_7Q and https://youtu.be/R0AEww6fKLk